Stefan ImhoffWeb UI Engineer • Minimalist • Stoic • Libertarian • Japanophile


About Me

I’m a Web UI Engineer from Hamburg, Germany. I love design and art, reading books, listening to podcasts, creating Sketchnotes, taking photos, and writing Haiku.

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What I Do

For nearly two decades, I have been creating user-centric layouts for web-based devices of all sizes, and I take pride in bringing simplicity and minimalism to each of my projects.

I am passionate about providing excellent user experiences, which includes crafting well-written content, selecting appropriate photography, typography, and colors, programming efficient and maintainable code, and creating captivating animations.

Currently, I am employed as a Senior Software Engineer at NEW WORK SE and working on the Design System of XING, Europe’s leading jobs network.

I am an avid innovator and have contributed to a number of projects, including a job platform for freelancers during one of the company’s Hackweeks, and am a three-time winner of the Prototyping Days, a two-day company-wide prototyping event.

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I am writing essays about topics including programming, design, self-improvement, philosophy, productivity, books, and films in this journal.

See all Journal Entries