Introduction to Gulp.js 7: Base64 Encoded Images

This is the 7th part of my series, Introduction to Gulp.js. Today, I will use Gulp.js to replace a lot of my URLs with small images with Base64 encoded images.
The last task executed by my build
task is one, which replaces the URLs of small images in my CSS files with Base64 encoded images. This way, the images get embedded into the CSS file and don’t need an additional server request. If the images are not too large, this will speed up the loading of my website a lot.
I use plenty of small patterns on my website because I don’t like the Flat Design approach a lot. The physical world isn’t flat. Nowhere. There is always structure, pattern, shade, and light. The patterns I use are from the fantastic website Subtle Pattern. They have a few hundred nice subtle patterns.
To load the background pattern, I use SCSS like this:
%pattern-light-grey {
background-color: $background-color;
background-image: url(/assets/images/patterns/light_grey.png);
background-size: 301px 621px;
body {
@extend %pattern-light-grey;
The generated CSS looks like this:
body {
background-color: #fdfdfd;
background-image: url(/assets/images/patterns/light_grey.png);
background-size: 301px 621px;
After the task ran, the CSS will look like this:
body {
background-color: #fdfdfd;
background-image: url(…);
background-size: 301px 621px;
For this task, I will need another Gulp.js plugin:
$ npm install --save-dev gulp-base64@0.1.2
I add a new configuration entry and create the task:
base64: {
src: developmentAssets + '/css/*.css',
dest: developmentAssets + '/css',
options: {
baseDir: build,
extensions: ['png'],
maxImageSize: 20 * 1024, // bytes
debug: false
I replace images with the ending PNG and if they have a maximum of 20 KB of size. This way, my high-resolution images don’t get embedded into the CSS file.
var gulp = require("gulp");
var base64 = require("gulp-base64");
var config = require("../../config").base64;
* Replace urls in CSS files with base64 encoded data
gulp.task("base64", ["sass"], function () {
return gulp.src(config.src).pipe(base64(config.options)).pipe(gulp.dest(config.dest));
We are now finished with the development build
This concludes the 7th part of my series, Introduction to Gulp.js. We learned how to replace URLs to PNGs with Base64 encoded images. And we are now finished with our build