Django Article

Webstandards-Magazine, Issue 07/2010
There it lay in my mailbox: My voucher copy of the current issue 07/2010 of the Webstandards-Magazin. This is a premiere for me because I wrote my first article for the Webstandards-Magazin.
It should be three pages long, now it has almost become five. It was not possible to put all the fascination for Django, code samples, and graphics into that little space. But the editors-in-chief of Webstandards-Magazine Ansgar Hein and Jörg Morsbach were accommodating and gave me more space. Thank you again for that! I would like to thank the diligent helpers who have checked my article for content or spelling errors.
The article is not a tutorial with step-by-step instructions. But there are plenty of other good places on the internet for that. I wanted to clarify with my article, why I like Django and have stayed true to this web framework for more than four years, which is not self-evident because I am hard to please. I have used TextPattern, WordPress, CodeIgniter, ExpressionEngine, ModX, Symphony and other web frameworks and CMS, but since I use Django, I have the feeling that I control and understand everything on my website.
Django gives me a clean, easy-to-read Python code that even full-fledged beginner programmers can read. Since I changed my martial arts magazine to Django in May 2008, I am Djangonaut. I would like to implement many more projects with Django, but unfortunately, the distribution of Django is not as big as Ruby on Rails or various Java frameworks.
Unfortunately, I did not manage to publish the article at the same time as switching to Django, because of missing time … But I work without pressure. Meanwhile, ExpressionEngine is doing its job. I hope you like my article and bring more to the Django community.
The Webstandards-Magazin, Issue 07/2010 with the topic Tools will be published on 24/09/2010 in the station and airport bookstores for the price of €7.80 or by subscription for four issues per year for €28. You can find my article on pages 83-87: Einstieg in Django. Vielseitig und leistungsstark: Vorstellung des Python-Frameworks für anspruchsvolle Webanwendungen.